Monday, January 10, 2011

To infinity...and beyond!

Our F.Y.I. topic for this week was space.  I haven't done a space unit in a long time and we had a blast (no pun intended)! 

We started out by discussing what we already knew about space and made out schema chart.
We discussed stars and constellations.  We are having a review week this week so the students played a rhyming matching game where they first traded stars then found their rhyming partner at the signal.
Then I created a rhyming pairs worksheet for the students to complete.
After viewing a Power Point of real constellations, I asked my kids to pretend they were astronomers looking through a telescope.  They had just discovered a new constellation and I wanted them to write about it.  We talked about how the entire picture wasn't made by stars...that it was more like a connect the dots and you have to form the picture around the stars.  I gave the students a piece of black paper and a strip of foil stars. When they finished, they wrote about what they saw.  They turned out sooooo cute!

Another one of our F.Y.I. words was the Sun. We made another chart about why we need the sun.

Then we made these cool little sun sheets with the rays labeled with some of the same reasons my students came up with.  But I forgot to take a picture...grrrr!
We ended the week discussing the moon and it's phases.  I started a class Moon Log that I found on .  Super excited to see how it turns out!


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